Adult Coloring Books

adult coloring book

Okay, I’m going to just say this right now. When I first heard the phrase “adult coloring book” I wondered why everyone was so into porn coloring books. When I figured out what was really going on, I felt like the creepiest person ever for thinking that. Then I told my friend that I bought one and she was like umm is that like a coloring book of naked people?

I think this proves either that these things are horribly named, or maybe just that my friends get me.

Anyway, the more I researched it and saw how many people said coloring was so fun and relaxing, I totally wanted to try it. Obviously I looked on Amazon, because whoever invented Amazon Prime completely owns my soul. There were tons of options, and it was hard to choose. I finally picked this cool animal one.

At first when I flipped through it, I was a little anxious about how small the spaces were. This is what I do. I take something relaxing and make it stressful. Notice how the markers are in rainbow order? That’s my idea of how to to relax 😛

Once I started coloring, I did get pretty into it. It’s totally relaxing, and the small spaces make it so you can’t think about anything else. You should try it!

Have you tried coloring lately? What’s your favorite book?

❤ Jillian

As Featured on News Cult: 30 Questions to Ask a Guy Before You Sleep with Him

Where was this when I was single…

only bad chi

Fellow females, do your homework–no need to make the same mistake I’ve made all too many times, and find yourself waking up next to not the person you thought/hoped/expected you’d see upon opening your hungover eyes. I’ve made it easier for you by drawing up the below handy checklist of questions you can/absolutely should ask any man before bestowing upon him the honor of becoming your bedfellow, whether for one night or a couple more than that. is your favorite Girl Scout cookie?

What are your thoughts on oral sex (giving–we clearly know what they are on receiving)?

How many nights out of the week do you cry yourself to sleep?

If this turns into an overnight commitment, do you expect to be cooked eggs in the morning? Dogs or cats?

What’s your number (of sexual partners to date, not phone)?

Have you seen and do you appreciate Fried…

View original post 400 more words

My First Interview- by Sami!

interview picWhen Sami from Flowers and Wanderlust asked me if I would be interested in being interviewed for her blog’s interview series, I was shocked and honored to be asked. I was also a little nervous about what she would be asking me… and let me tell you, she didn’t hold back!

If you are interested in seeing what kind of questions Sami likes to ask, and learning more about me, you should check out her interview with me here!

An excerpt:

What is your idea of a perfect day?
Do I have to stick to a certain rating for this? I love to sleep in, so I would start with that. I would round out what was left of the morning with sex, walking the dogs, and brunch. The afternoon would involve an outdoor yoga class or hike, happy hour with friends, then maybe a relaxed night out. Most of the time I’m just craving down time. It’s funny how answering questions like this makes me realize that my dreams are not far-fetched. I can make these things happen, and should.

Nope, there is no ratings on my interviews. I like the blunt honesty. You pretty much pinned the most perfect day and I would love for a Saturday to go just like that. Sometimes it’s so easily attained, we just lose sight of such because of how busy we get. We forget to take breaks for ourselves and realize our “dreams” are right there in front of us.

Do any of you do interviews for your blog? What do you think? Was I too crazy with my answers? 😉
