I am Wearing the Same Outfit as My Dog

Confession number one- I ordered a dress for my puppy’s first birthday. I have tried hard to find people that support this decision, and I have found maybe 10% of those I mention it to think it is even remotely okay. 

Confession number two- the dress arrived today. I tried it on her and then realized that… Umm… We match. 

I’m pretty sure I just became the old lady with the cats. Except with a dog. And matching outfits. 

Do you think I should get more dogs and just become the crazy dog lady? Or try to save myself while I still can?!



  1. We can start a club – crazy dog ladies unite!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is adorable! I think you need at least a few cats, though. Diversify your pet holdings!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hahahaha! Brilliant!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I do not believe for a minute that this was a coincedence. That being said, I think it’s adorable! Unless that red part is a tutu. Then I may have to change my vote. Also I think one puppy is enough for you since you cherish your sleep! Lol

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a cute dog and a wonderful summer trend of polka dots. Now in saying that, let me say I am in the 90% that believe people should NOT dress up their pets! Every time I see a dog in a outfit my heart aches for the humiliation that poor animal must be suffering. They are pets for pete sakes, not little humans. Isn’t that why they have fur?!?!?

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  6. Wow, just wow.
    Having said that, my dog has outfits, but they came with him! I didn’t buy them and I don’t put them on him.
    Except his Halloween costume or his Halloween shirt… and his sweater when it’s cold. All of which I may or may not have actually bought!

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  7. bunnieybear says:

    I’ve never dressed an animal, but just like getting a grooming & feeling pretty, there are some animals that like to be dressed… As long as it’s not uncomfortable and restricting her natural doggie movements and tasks, and as long as she doesn’t think she’s being punished and cower, I say go for it! The more natural endorphins the better! If you start pushing her around in a baby carriage, we’ll have to have a talk…

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  1. […] forced her to wear the new dress that I bought her, and she actually tolerated it pretty […]


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