Simplify Sunday- Moving 


sleepy shibs Moving is very interesting when you’ve been operating as a minimalist. The last two times I’ve moved it has been pretty spur of the moment, but since I don’t have a lot of stuff; it has been fairly manageable. 

For my latest move, I literally called my sister at 11am and told her I was going to move and she should come help me. I had found seven boxes a few days earlier. I had those and some packing tape, nothing else and nothing packed. I started packing, using the boxes and any kind of container I already owned (luggage, storage totes, reusable shopping bags, drawers, laundry baskets, anything and everything!). 

I had borrowed a mini van, and I packed everything and took over the first load to my new place, which was about 25 minutes away. I unloaded the van, then went to buy a bed. About this time, my sister got to town and met me back at the old place. We easily loaded everything else into the mini van and her SUV. Most of the room in the van was filled with Riley’s kennel 🙂 

We drove back to the new place and unloaded. We were done at 4pm! Packed, loaded, unloaded, and bought a bed in five hours! 

I know it’s silly, but I’ve never loved minimalism more. I felt so proud of myself for getting it done so fast and easily! I also think that my efforts to get rid of everything unnecessary this year really paid off, because I have only found three items to give away in the last two months at the new place. 

Next week’s Simplify Sunday is going to be about how I furnished my apartment, and how much I worried about not buying too much stuff… I like how it turned out. Stayed tuned! 



  1. benedettaluce says:

    i’m gonna be moving soon, and feel so relieved to know i won’t be spending too much time and effort packing and unpacking as i have also been leading a very minimalist life for a long time. though i still manage to find lost of things to donate, as when i buy new things i immediately give up on some old things i have, there will still be loads of things going to the charity shop soon. and that makes me happier as i won’t be dragging them with me to the new place. it’s really an amazing feeling not being owned by your stuff! happy for you. and me! 🙂

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  2. It is true; life prepares you for what’s to come. All we have to do is listen and follow through, and all your earlier purging seems to have paid off. That is impressive to have completed such a move and a big purchase in five hours!?!? It took my partner and me five stores and a half a day just to find the perfect mattress and box spring. I won’t even tell you how much time I spent on finding the perfect bed frame. So it goes without saying that I am looking forward to next week’s post of furnishing your digs, because as a homeowner for over a decade I still have a few empty walls and an empty room. My philosophy has always been live in the space and the pieces will present themselves.


  3. That was my favorite moment, when I realized that I had done so well on my purge that I didn’t have but a few items to give away last time I went through the house with my donation bag! 🙂 Congrats!

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  4. You moved?!? Sounds like it was a pretty smooth move, so well done on the minimalism success! Excited to see pic of your new decor! I hope you are settling in well to the new place. 🙂

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  5. That’s awesome that you had an easy move! But…you moved? I hope you’re okay. xo

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  6. Yay, a shorter commute! I guess I’m wrong but I though you and your husband owned your house, which is why I was a little alarmed/surprised that you moved so suddenly. It’s been a long day, though — don’t mind me 🙂

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