Liebster #3 and Friday Love

yay!Oh my gosh, guys. If people don’t quit telling me they think I’m awesome, I’m just going to keep writing these rambling posts. Consider yourself warned!

When she nominated me for a Liebster award, kzzinsky wrote:

How To Be Myself – Jillian is awesome and I feel somewhat of a kindred spirit

I’m not going to do another post, since I’ve already done two (one and two). However, I do want to say thank you, and mention that you should all check out kzzinsky’s blog. Her tagline is “please allow me to entertain you with my frequent poor decision making”. Cracks me up. Every. Time. I wish I could steal it.

And now… my thought processes of late, expressed in links and short stories. Or, as a less dorky person might say, “Friday Faves!” (some of these are affiliates links- I get a small percentage of the sale if you buy it. I bought everything myself!)

After our company dinner party on Tuesday, my coworker told me the next day that two guys followed me to my car, then walked off when they saw her staring them down. Ummmm… WHAT??? So, I bought pink pepper spray. Hopefully it arrives before any more creepy stalkers show up.

Mag mentioned that Baggu makes her favorite shopping bags. I now want all of the bags, and I want to buy everyone I know all of the bags. It’s possible I have a problem. I haven’t decided yet, we’re just leaving the possibility of said problem open to interpretation.

I keep buying stuff at Modcloth and returning half of it. If you take a credit instead of money back on your card, you get free shipping and $5 extra. Now I have almost $100 in Modcloth credit. I’ve had worse problems (see above weird bag obsession), but I didn’t really see anything I wanted. This shirt is super cute, but I can’t handle any sort of purple. Why is everything cute purple?! I really like this blue shirt, but I don’t think I have anything to wear it with except black. Black would look weird, right?

I’ve been really stressed out lately. (probably nsfw) makes me laugh every time. Immature? Maybe. I don’t care 🙂 I’m really still laughing to myself at my laptop.

How To Get Away With Murder and Scandal. I just finished the season finale of How To Get Away With Murder last night. Obviously I won’t ruin it for anyone, but I feel like I need to watch it again (but with a drink in my hand this time). I can’t wait to watch Scandal tonight!

What are your Friday plans?



  1. AWESOME!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You should ALWAYS carry mace! The world is a crazy place and I don’t believe that is just because I watch Criminal Minds…lol. I am also watching Scandal tonight with my Olivia Pope glass of wine (how I love my sisterfriend for buying me a set for my birthday). You should buy all the bags you want they are lovely, durable, machine washable, and they do make great gifts. Oh, Modcloth and that wonderful marketing ploy of free shipping and $5 bonus, those tricky loveable bastards. I have decide if my credit hits $100 AGAIN I am getting my money back… though (not to make you buy more) I love the navy blouse. You could wear navy and black, you can also pair that blouse with a multitude of colors. Navy is like black and very versatile.

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    • Those glasses are gorgeous. Just another thing to lust over 🙂 I would love to wear the navy shirt with bright pants, but I’m not brave enough just yet to buy such a thing.


  3. I love How To Get Away With Murder – it is one of the only shows I watch. 🙂

    Fri. night – super crazy —> sitting my booty on the couch with Bosco and Pat, some TV and lots of snacks! haha 🙂

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  4. Woah! It’s me! I don’t even remember this picture but it’s real silly! Love it and you! Did you watch scandal yet?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lol! You said you didn’t want me to ask your permission anymore to post pics. Are you regretting that now? It’s when we saw the Postal Service. I haven’t watched it yet, it wasn’t available last night ugh I was so mad.


  5. Mike bought me the exact same pepper spray a few months ago! Hopefully neither of us will need to use it.

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  1. […] On Friday I wrote about how I was looking into them, and my friend K (who I wrote about in my interview with Sami- K is my super hero!) bought me these three as a surprise! She knows I love animals and she picked a cat, a dog, and a rabbit. However, there are many designs. […]


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