“Take Back What’s Yours” ~ Being Positive

takebackwhat'syoursThe “Take Back What’s Yours” campaign (started by Chloe) is all about bringing happiness to our lives with positive thoughts and actions, support, and love. The end goal is to encourage people out there who may be struggling, by making the resolution to take back something that was once yours- the happy and fulfilled life you once had.

Having a positive outlook is one of the hardest things for me. I seem to be a natural born pessimist, and I’ve been trying really hard to change that. In addition to My 35 Project, I will continue to try to change myself into an optimist. This campaign just reminds me of how much better I feel when I’m focusing on the positive instead of the negative. If you want to play too, you can do the following:

  • Decide on a positive resolution you are going to set yourself
  • Write a blog post talking about this campaign, the message it contains, and why you are taking part
  • Tag 10 bloggers to participate, or just to encourage
  • If you want to, include a photo of yourself with a handmade Take Back What’s Yours poster

Nessa's post

I was tagged by Nessa of That Chic Fashion Blog, in this post. She did something really cool, that I’m totally going to copy. Instead of just tagging 10 bloggers, she wrote each one (she actually did 25) a little note about why she likes what they do. How amazing is that? It made me happy and encouraged, so I will do that same. None of you have to feel obligated to participate, but I wanted to give my shout outs!

Arielle of With All My Affection

Arielle~ You were my first blogger follower, so you will always be special to me 🙂 I love your fashion posts!

Kim of And On That Note She Wrote

Kim~ I have so much fun reading about beauty products from a British perspective. I also think you’re awesome for loving Lush as much as I do.

Donna of My One Beautiful Thing

Donna~ You really do post one beautiful thing, and I love it. It always puts a smile on my face.

Kate of the Fancy Pants report

Kate~ You have my favorite OOTD posts. Sooooo much pretty, I can barely stand it.

Chelsea of Inspiration Indulgence

Chelsea~ Your blog is what I want mine to be. You are encouraging, thoughtful, and inspirational. You encourage me to slow down and do things the right way.

Sami of Flowers and Wanderlust

Sami~ You are much younger than me, and you’ve already figured out what I am just now embracing. It’s time to take life and live it for all that it is worth!

Lucy of Lucy Types

Lucy~ I am new to reading your blog, but I love it already. You’re creative and a talented writer. You make serious ideas interesting and fun.


I like to read your posts for beautiful words to relax me and stimulate my brain at the same time. I also really appreciate how supportive you are of my blog!

Karen of Fill Your Own Glass

Karen~ First of all, I just love this name. That’s what made me look into it in the first place. What a great concept! I enjoy your outlook and your posts help with my search for optimism!

Hold Me, Don’t Hold Me

I love your posts about parenthood. They make me smile, make me laugh, and help me ponder my own ideas about having a baby.

Have a happy day!



  1. I will definitely hop on this train and write a post tonight. It’s a beautiful idea.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you sooo much for adding me !! Its a good idea !! 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow! Thank you for sharing so many blogs. I will add them to my reading list. In return I leave you with a quote I once read: “Get to know yourself and be your own inspiration…” If you need more positivity, click on the link below. It will slowly help turn you into an optimist.


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  4. Hello! I couldn’t stop reading your posts, especially this one- probably because it relates to me so much! I want so bad to be an optimist, but my mind’s in the gutter haha. I’ll definitely do my part in this! Working on it as we speak! 🙂 Good luck on this campaign- it’s awesome. whoop. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, thank you! That’s so sweet. I get completely wrapped up in blogs and read for hours. I can’t believe I have a blog now that someone would read through 🙂

      My optimism is definitely not where I would like it to be. My default mode is depressed and pessimistic. I have found that making a conscious effort to see the good helps, even if it’s in a fake it til you make it kind of way. Eventually it becomes the default a little more… I’m hoping it will be more often than not.


  5. Here’s my post regarding this concept!

    Destroying Pessimism – help fix my bleeped up thought process, and help yours too!

    i wanted to give you props, but didn’t know if i could use your name- so i just added a link to your site! 🙂 have a good day!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you for taking part in #TakeBackWhatsYours! I loved your post! Also looking forward to everyone’s posts who has commented!

    @ChloesConcept x

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  7. A better-late-than-never thanks for including me on your list! I’m so glad you enjoy my posts. I wouldn’t say I am an optimist, but this is a good reminder to at least try!!

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    • I am choosing to believe that one can learn to be an optimist. I just am so tired of my pessimism. I’m bringing myself down, and I have no one to blame but me. So, here goes nothing 🙂


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