Beautiful Blogger Award

beautiful-blogger_awardGuess what? I was nominated for the Beautiful Blogger Award by Arlene at Puffing Colors. My favorite thing about Arlene is that she loves bears, because bears are my favorite. She even has a tag “cute bears”. I don’t even have that!

Four short rules: link the blogger who nominated you; list seven random things about yourself; nominate seven creative, beautiful bloggers; notify the people that you nominate

***Seven random facts***

1. I am so proud of the fact that I can change my own tire on my car, but I recently crashed it and was unable to get the spare out of the trunk because it was screwed in so tightly. Epic fail. All that pride for nothing, still had to call a tow truck.

2. I just found out today that yellow peonies exist. Umm. I must have them. Next year during peony season I will find them. I swear.

3. Every time I go to the zoo, I visit the black bears twice. Sometimes I make up excuses, sometimes I just tell people that we have to see them again and run toward them like a five year old 🙂

4. I am actually very morally opposed to zoos. However, I am a hypocrite on this issue because I cannot resist the animals. Someday I may work this out in my head.

5. I dye my hair much darker than it is, and my eyebrows don’t match. I will pretty much not even leave the bathroom without putting on brow powder. It’s a bit of an addiction. One time I couldn’t get to my apartment because of police roadblocks after my shift waiting tables and I really needed a shower. What did I buy at the store? A new outfit and brow powder…

6. I love fresh cherries, and they are my favorite summer snack. Well, except cocktails and ice cream, but those feel much less virtuous.

7. My favorite colors are yellow and pink.

***my seven beautiful bloggers are***

by Jen Lawson (who doesn’t really do these, but click on her anyway!)

Flashes of Clarity

All-Round Better Me

Only Bad Chi

Did That Just Happen?

assortment box

New Pollyanna

Check out their blogs, and, if you’re in the Pacific Northwest, go find some air conditioning! This is all too much for me right now. I’m hiding inside with my ice water and my portable air conditioner.



  1. I never knew of your love for yellow! Also how recent of a crash are we talking about! Hopefully not too recent I don’t know about it yet… ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay! I will totally do this — thank you! 🙂

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  3. Thank you! I’m very honored, and great list!!

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  4. Thank you so much for the nomination! 🙂
    I think yellow is an awesome colour… I found out that I actually have peonies in my garden (from the previous home owner) but I haven’t been taking good care of them… Now that I know what they are I will try and take better care of them so that I can get beautiful flowers out of them.

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  5. Oh no!! That’s awful! I’m so sorry friend! Yes, and we have to get together asap!!

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  6. LOVE peonies!!! And brow powder 😉 Wonderful post, and thank you so much! 🙂

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  7. I finally did my post–sorry it took so long! And I took a lot of shortcuts so it’s nowhere near as good as yours, but just wanted to thank you! 🙂

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  1. […] So thank you again for the nomination Jillian.  If you haven’t been over to check out the post where she nominated me, you can go through this link. […]

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  2. […] over at How To Be Myself kindly nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger Award, and I’ve taken a shamefully long time to do my post–sorry Jillian! Please go check out […]

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