How Getting a Stand Up Desk Made My Work Day Better

standing deskAfter reading many horrifying articles such as this one (LiveScience Staff, that references a study done by the American Cancer Society, I decided that I had to find a way to get a standing desk. Several sources have made dramatic suggestions about the effects of sitting for 6+ hours a day, including that it can be as dangerous for your heart as smoking, and that it can undo the good done by working out. WHAT?! How is that okay?! Since I rarely even have a daily workout to speak of, and I am often working for 9+ hours a day at my desk, I was terrified.

The desk (it’s called a desk, but I think it’s more like a desk adapter) that I got was the Varidesk Pro Plus (affiliate link, if you buy this I will get a small percentage. I paid for my own desk). I was nervous about standing all day, especially since when I purchased this I was still healing from a calf injury. I wanted to be able to sit if I needed to. I also knew there was no going back once I got this, because my coworkers were all going to have soooo much to say about it. So, the Varidesk. They’re not kidding when they say sitting to standing in three seconds. It’s super easy. However, it’s expensive. If you work at home, you can just find a surface that is a comfortable height and put your laptop there, or you can build your own. Colin Nederkoorn has a great way to make one for $22.

Once my desk arrived, I started by standing for an hour then sitting for 20 minutes. It felt so natural that I actually kept forgetting to sit down. After a week I was standing all of the time (which makes me think you could probably get away with building a cheap, permanent standing desk). My feet and legs get tired more than they did when I sat, but I now don’t have any pain in my back. I used to wait tables and bartend, and never had problems. When I got a desk job four years ago, my back started to hurt. Standing fixed it! Plus, I find myself walking around more. It’s easier because I’m already standing. I track my steps, and I average about 1,000 more a day than when I was sitting. That’s about half a mile.

There are also calories burnt to consider. A 130 pound woman burns 21 calories more per hour standing than sitting (Andrea Cespedes, In theory this means that if that woman was previously walking and standing for an hour of her eight hour day, and she switches to standing all day, she should be burning 147 more calories per day. That really adds up.

I get so many comments on my desk. A lot of people want to try it, and probably an equal amount make fun of me. What do you think? Would you try it? I know that some companies will buy them for their employees if you ask!



  1. I would absolutely try it! Someone in my group mentioned wanting a treadmill desk in here the other day, and I would even go for that. At the moment I’m in a desk sharing situation (4 shifts, one desk) so I can’t do anything to “my” desk, but they’re building us a new space, we’re all getting our own spot, and I’m going to try my best to get away with standing. I suspect it will drive my coworkers crazy… so bonus!

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    • Sharing a desk sounds rough. It will be so great to get your own! It does drive my coworkers crazy, it’s funny. And if they ever see me sitting down they tell me I’m lazy. I’m all- you guys sit down all the time!! 🙂 A treadmill desk would be the best ever.

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  2. This is reminding me that I probably should start standing more at my desk (as I have an adjustable one at work), I switch between a special chair and a big pilates ball to sit on at my desk (the pilates ball is great for good posture).. but I need to get better at standing….

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  3. I keep trying to get a select few of my clients to do this. Sitting is their nemesis!

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  4. I think in the future this will become the norm. I believe some of the more progressive corporations are already adopting the standup desks. When I am working on my laptop at home I nearly always stand. It turns out my bar countertop in the kitchen is the perfect height. 🙂

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  5. i keep seeing these everywhere and totally want one! i’ve also seen people add little under-desk treadmills too. while i log about 2 miles at the gym most mornings, i would love to have an alternative to sitting everyday, all day. what a nice change of pace, i’m sure!

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  6. Do you wear heels to work or can you just wear whatever you want? I sit behind a desk all day too, but wear heels usually and end up taking them off, haha. Usually I try to get up and walk around every half hour or so. I bought my own chair because I kept having back pain and it seemed to help. My co-workers would make stupid comments if I had a stand up desk too.

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    • So, I used to always wear heels. I should have mentioned, that is another great thing about this desk. I can easily adjust it for different hell heights 🙂 However, I almost always wear flats now. Like you, I usually take off my heels. I keep a pair of ballet flats at my desk for if my heels get too painful.

      Coworkers are just jealous!


  7. Nice job setting the health bar for your co-workers with a standing desk. I could, however, never get away with one of those in my practice. Clients will see it as intimidation tactic I’m sure ha! ha! Instead, I use brightly colored Pilates balls as “chairs” (helps with the posture and my core) with my clients under 18 and a standard chair with the adults!

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  8. That’s awesome!

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  9. I’ve read a lot about the benefits and I can definitely attest to back pain from sitting too much. Good for you for taking the initiative to set this up!

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  10. One of my coworkers built himself a stand that made his desk a standing desk, but it is not adjustable, so it doesn’t work if he wants to sit down at all… I am extremely lazy, and enjoy my sitting… LOL. But some days I do feel it when I get up after a long day of sitting. I just try and make sure that I get up pretty regularly and walk around the office.

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  11. I want one!

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