How to Make Dry Shampoo

ingredients for dry shampooMy hair is so greasy, it makes me want to scream. I am done with washing my hair every day, so dry shampoo is a must.

I decided to try making my own for two reasons: my current product is white, and a pain to rub into my dark hair; and ever since I downloaded the Think Dirty app (NOT what it sounds, it tells you how toxic your products are and makes you want to throw away everything you own) I have been freaking out about everything. 10 is the worst score something can get.

Think Dirty app- Bumble and Bumble dry shampoo
Bumble and Bumble has some dry shampoos that do pretty well in the app, but of course not the one I happen to have (which cost something like $30). You can make this dry shampoo for super cheap, and you can customize the amount of cocoa powder you add to help it blend into your hair. I started with 1/2 T. of cocoa powder and went up to 1 T. I might even add more. For light hair I would start with just a tiny bit, or maybe even skip it. I simply mixed together the dry ingredients and put a little in my hair to test the color. Then I added more cocoa until I was happy, then stirred in the oils.

dry shampoo recipe

Recipe for those who can’t view the image:

Dry Shampoo

1 T arrowroot powder (can substitute corn starch if you don’t have any. It also might be available in the spice section of the bulk bin department at your local store)

1 T baking soda

1/2 t – 1 T (or more) cocoa powder, adjust to hair color

2 drops rosemary essential oil

2 drops lavender essential oil

Mix dry ingredients together in a small bowl. When well blended and the color is to your liking, stir in the essential oils. I chose rosemary and lavender because they can help to promote hair growth and decrease dandruff. You can use any oils that work for you! Please see my disclaimer here for more info about the use of essential oils.

finished dry shampoo, inside salt shaker

When you’ve finished your dry shampoo, you can store it however you like. Some people just use a bowl and apply it with a makeup brush. Please let me know if you’ve tried this method! I didn’t have an extra brush, so I decided to try a salt shaker. If you do this, I highly recommend you put stickers over most of the holes OMG. I shook it over the top of my head and stuff was a little touch and go for a bit. Let’s just say, I didn’t quite realize how quickly it would pour out! The good news is, my new dry shampoo has bears now!

hair before and after dry shampoo

These are definitely not the most flattering pictures of me, but I wanted to show you my hair before and after I tried out the finished product. Pretty good, right?!

Another interesting thing is I tried this last night, then used just a tiny bit this morning for volume. My head doesn’t itch today, and usually it does with my normal dry shampoo. Victory!

Let me know if you try the recipe!
